'Hey everyone , Welcome back to my channel prajakta\'s beauty corner .All theses videos are not sponsered .All review are my honest opinion .All product i buy on my own . FLICKA COSMETICS liquid matte lipstick quite affordable In shade pink and red Net content 3.4 g Price Rs199/- Highly pigmented Long lasting 6-7 hrs Moisturising Made in india If you like my video plzz like subscribe and share this channel .S upport this channel #prajakta\'s beauty corner (DISCLAIMER ) Please read it : 1. All products shown and reviewed in this channel i personally use it . 2. I ,ve never forced anyone to use these products . 3 .I m not licensed professional or medical practitioner . 4 . If you are suffereing from any kind of allergy do the patch test first . 5. The information provided in this channel is for general purpose and should not be considered as professional advice . 6 .If you have any medical issues .please consul your doctor . Thanks and regards , Prajakta\'s beauty corner'
Tags: indian brands , liquid matte lipstick , highly pigmented , Affordable lipstick , flicka cosmetics , lipscare , bestliquid lipstick , nondrying formula , red and pink shade , prajakta's beauty corner , tomato flicka
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